Programme can be downloaded here in A4 format or here as an A5 booklet.
› UEv-CES Room 130
Mon1 – Opening Session
Maria Teresa Restivo (University of Porto)
Alberto Cardoso (University of Coimbra)
Hermínia Vilar (Rector of the University of Évora)
› UEv-CES Room 131
Mon2 – Plenary Session I
“Navigation in Orthopeadic Surgery using Computer Vision and Augmented Reality”
João P. Barreto (Perceive3D SA; University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Chairs: James Wolfer and Liliane Machado
› UEv-CES Room 131
› UEv-CES Room 129
Mon3 – Panel Discussion I
“Data-Driven Circular Manufacturing”
Moderator: Jason Mansell, TECNALIA Research & Innovation, Spain
Panelists: Catarina Silva, University of Coimbra, Portugal, Christophe Abel, CIRTES, France, Christos Koidis, EFB S.A., Greece, João Barata, University of Coimbra, Portugal, Jochen Haenisch, Jotne Connect AS, Norway, Maddalena Rostagno, DIADGROUP, Italy
› UEv-CES Room 131
Mon4 – Panel Discussion II
“Usage of Data-Informed Online Technologies for Teaching/Learning Success”
Moderators: Lakshmi N Reddi, New Mexico State University, USA, Sashidhar Chintalapati, New Mexico State University, USA
Panelists: Carlos Jensen, University of California, San Diego, USA, De-Laine Cyrenne, California State University, Sacramento, USA, Lynn M. Tashiro, California State University, Sacramento, USA, Randolph Rothschild, Aerospace Industry, USA, Sherry Kollmann, New Mexico State University, USA, Soheil Fatehiboroujeni, Colorado State University, USA
› UEv-CES Room 131
Welcome Reception
› UEv-CES Cloisters
› UEv-CES Room 130
"Online Experimentation DEMOS Session I”
Chairs: Nikolina Dakić and Timothy Drysdale
Demos: #03, #05, #07, #19, #23, #31, #64, #65, #67, #79
#03 - InView: An Intelligent Viewer for Cardiology
James Wolfer, Jeffrey S. Soble, Alexander LeClair, Noreen T. Nazir, Derek Such, Thiago M. Maltempi and Rami Doukky
#05 - Demo: Remote Controlled Extinguishing Robot for Firefighter Training
Thomas Klinger, Christian Kreiter, Hermann Oberwalder, Mudiyanselage Ruwan Thilina Perera, Michèle Posch and Klaus Tschabuschnig
#07 - MOLE – a Mobile Lab Extension Kit for GOLDi Remote Labs
Karsten Henke and Johannes Nau
#19 - Leveraging emotion-mediated exploration to adapt agent behavior
Gustavo Assunção, Miguel Castelo-Branco and Paulo Menezes
#23 - Instrumented Balance Board
Paulo Abreu, Fátima Chousal, Helena Sousa and Maria Teresa Restivo
#31 - Controlling Motors using the UCLM-FPGA LabsLand Remote Lab
Javier Garcia Zubia, Ignacio Angulo, Unai Hernández-Jayo, Lucas Ortiz-de-Zarate, Pablo Orduna, Luis Rodriguez-Gil, Aitor Villar-Martinez and Jose Manuel Gilperez
#64 - Temperature Control Laboratory (TCLab): Demonstration of use in Portugal
Paulo Moura Oliveira, Alberto Cardoso, Filomena Soares, José Machado, João Sá, Helena Lopes and Vinícius Silva
#65 - Virtual Labs in Fluid Mechanics
Konrad Boettcher, Marcel Schade, Claudius Terkowsky and Tobias R. Ortelt
#67 - Platform for Virtual Laboratory of Mechatronic Systems in Augmented Reality
Jakub Matisak, Matúš Pohančenik and Katarina Zakova
#79 - A Delta Robot remote laboratory for STEM education
Dario Assante, Daniele Pirrone and Ali Gökdemir
› UEv-CES Room 122
› UEv-CES Room 129
"Online Experimentation DEMOS Session II”
Chairs: Fátima Chousal and Álvaro Santos
Demos: #06, #24, #26, #30, #35, #39, #46, #61, #68, #81
#06 - A massive online plasma physics course using remote controlled laboratories in Open edX
Pedro Rossa, Horácio Fernandes, Miguel Martins and Joao Nuno Silva
#24 - Augmented Reality Technology in a Pharmaceutical Industry Prototype
Bernardo Firme, José Rodrigues, Maria Teresa Restivo, Susana Vieira and João M. C. Sousa
#26 - Reverse Engineering: a link between Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering
J.L.S. Almeida, M.A.R. Loja, I.C. Esteves and L. Vieira
#30 - Digital Twin Environment for Forestry 4.0 Application Using a CAN Bus Architecture
Geoffrey Spencer, Rogério Dionísio, Luís Neto, Pedro Torres and Gil Gonçalves
#35 - Intelligent System for Automatic Whitefly Detection in Tomato Greenhouses
Dinis Costa, Bruno Cardoso, Catarina Silva, Joana Costa and Bernardete Ribeiro
#39 - An intuitive system for setting haptic properties of 3D materials
José Raul de Brito Andrade, Liliane Machado and Ronei Moraes
#46 - UVMove – Disinfection Robot
Ana Fernandes, Bernardo Cardoso, David Terroso, João Sousa, Pedro Guimarães and Maria Arcelina Marques
#61 - Demonstration of a sniffing smartwatch for air quality monitoring
Javier Godoy, Félix Meléndez, Patricia Arroyo, Víctor González, José Ignacio Suárez and Jesús Lozano
#68 - Educational Interactive Models for Control Courses
Peter Andrejko, Katarina Zakova and Jakub Matisak
#81 – Remote microcontroller laboratory with the ability to experiment with ultra-low power and IoT systems
Ignacio Angulo, Javier García-Zubia, Aitor Villar-Martínez, Luis Rodriguez-Gil and Lucas Ortiz-de-Zarate
› UEv-CES Room 122
Tue3 – Plenary Session II
“Smart remote decentralized maintenance”
Andreas Pester (British University, Egypt) Amr Abdelkader (British University, Egypt) Chairs: Diana Urbano and Ronei Moraes
› UEv-CES Room 131
› UEv-CES Room 129
“Online Experimentation DEMOS Session III”
Chairs: Jesus Lozano and Karsten Henke
Demos: #20, #38, #45, #49, #57, #62, #72, #75, #76, #83
#20 - Handgrip strength time profile: from BodyGrip to Gripwise
Tiago Faustino Andrade, Maria Teresa Restivo and Diana Urbano
#38 - Remote laboratories for traditional campuses
Timothy Drysdale, David Reid, Andrew Brown and Imogen Heard
#45 - KeepingTrack – Helping dementia autonomy
Maria Sousa, Ricardo Rocha, Sónia Peixoto, António Bastos, João Bártolo, Pedro Guimarães and Maria Arcelina Marques
#49 - Building 3D Spatial Networks: an approach for generating vascular networks
João Braz Simões, Rui Travasso, Tiago Baptista and Ernesto Costa
#57 - ABHA - Advanced Bionic Hand Assistant
Vasco Correia, Diogo Vieira, Rafael Lima, Lucas Alves, Diego Oliveira, Pedro Guimarães and Maria Arcelina Marques
#62 - SmartAG - A Smart Farming Tool
Patrícia Lourenço, José Rafael M. Silva and Luís Paixão
#72 - Safetydesk: Accelerating the Production of Toxicological Reports
José Pereira, Bruno C. L. Ferreira, Ângela Laranjeiro, Bruno Caceiro, Hugo Amaro, Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira and Catarina Silva
#75 - SmartEDU: A platform for generating education-support materials
Maria João Costa, Renato Matos, Hugo Amaro, Bruno Caceiro, Alcides Marques and Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira
#76 - An augmented reality application for upper-limb rehabilitation supported by a robotic arm
José Carlos Rodrigues, Maria Teresa Restivo and Paulo Menezes
#83 - Demo: LabsLand Electronics Laboratory
Tobias R. Ortelt, Claudius Terkowsky, Luis Rodriguez-Gil, Pablo Orduna and Aitor Villar-Martinez
› UEv-CES Room 122
› UEv-CES Room 129
Tue5A – Parallel Session
“Systems for Health & Rehab”
Chairs: Frode Eika Sandnes and Lorena Petrella
Papers: #21, #33, #40, #48, #54, #66
#21 - Positive Effects of Visual, Auditory Biofeedback and Exergames on Physical Rehabilitation: A Review of SHaRe Clinical Trials
Maria Teresa Restivo, Paulo Abreu, Helena Sousa and José Rodrigues
#33 - Generative data representations to improve free-text answers in online qualitative surveys
Catalina Lagos Rojas, Jacinto Estima and João A. Dias
#40 - Movement-based interaction: An approach to visual and auditory stimulus and memory
Maria Rita Nogueira and Paulo Menezes
#48 - Improving ASTRO’s Perception Capability for a more Natural Follow-Me Task
Bruno Ferreira, Alessandra Sorrentino, Paulo Menezes, Jorge Batista, Jorge Dias, Laura Fiorini and Filippo Cavallo
#54 - MuSe4ASD - An Interactive Music Station for Children with ASD
Beatriz Lagos and Paulo Menezes
#66 - AREsTA - An Augmented Reality Exposure Therapy Application
Daniel Matias, Bruno Patrão and Paulo Menezes
› UEv-CES Room 131
Tue5B – Parallel Session
"Remote Sensing & Monitoring I”
Chairs: Federico Lerro and John A. Rossiter
Papers: #11, #17, #32, #36, #37, #84
#11 - Vessel Voyage Trajectory Extrapolation: Comparing the Performance of Kalman Filters
Afonso Magalhães, Jacinto Estima and Alberto Cardoso
#17 - SOCIO-BEE: example of a citizen science community for the co- creation of measures to reduce the impact of environmental pollution in the framework of smart cities
Unai Hernandez Jayo, Javier García-Zubia, Diego Lopez-de-Ipina, Diego Casado- Mansilla, Maite Puerta-Beldarrain and Alexandre Barco Martelo
#32 - Internet of Things based Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Systems for COVID-19 transmission risk assessment: a brief systematic review
Gonçalo Marques
#36 - Smart Pest Detection in the Wild
Dinis Costa, Catarina Silva, Joana Costa and Bernardete Ribeiro
#37 - Remote spectrum monitoring based on SDR-GNU Radio sensors: IQ streaming and FFT streaming
Mirela Sorecau, Emil Sorecau, Annamaria Sarbu and Paul Bechet
#84 - Investigation of deep learning architectures for disease identification of vines in agricultural environments
Konstantinos Dolaptsis, Antonios Morellos, Georgios Tziotzios, Athanasios Anagnostis, Dimitrios Kateris and Dionysis Bochtis
› UEv-CES Room 124
Cultural Activity (Musical Concert) at “Colégio Mateus d’Aranda” (R. do Raimundo, 104, Évora)
› Christopher Bochmann Auditorium
Conference Dinner (subject to registration)
› Restaurant Piparoza
› UEv-CES Room 130
Wed1A – Parallel Session
“AR & VR & Haptic and Sensorial Devices”
Chairs: Maria Arcelina Marques and Tobias R. Ortelt
Papers: #04, #08, #44, #47, #56, #73
#04 - Impact of a Virtual Reality-Based Simulation on Empathy and Knowledge Toward Misophonia
Inês Lopes, Raquel Simões de Almeida and António Marques
#08 - Application for Pneumatic Component Detection
Nikolina Dakić, Vule Reljić, Ivana Milenković, Slobodan Dudić, Vladimir Jurošević and Jovan Šulc
#44 - Exploring Player's Body as Game Controller for Fitness Activity Promotion
Diogo Simões and Paulo Menezes
#47 - Development of Marker-Based Web Augmented Reality Educational Board Games for learning process support in Computer Science
Oleksandr Blazhko and Nataliia Shtefan
#56 - AI-Assisted Virtual Reality for Cultural Heritage Education: the Experience of the MARTA Museum
Berardina De Carolis, Nicola Macchiarulo and Mario Bochicchio
#73 - HaptiCAL: A computational system for calibrating haptic properties of 3D materials
José Raul Andrade, Liliane Machado and Ronei Moraes
› UEv-CES Room 131
Wed1B – Parallel Session
“Edu Challenges & Collaborative Tools”
Chairs: Claudius Terkowsky and Horácio Fernandes
Papers: #02, #10, #13, #15, #22, #78
#02 - A Creativity Tool for Coursework Feedback: Towards a Framework for Timely, Consistent, and Balanced Written Feedback with Wide Syllabus Coverage in Large Classes
Frode Eika Sandnes
#10 - Building a Sustainable, Student-centered and Resilient Higher Education 5.0 through Intra- and Interinstitutional Collaborations
Monica Ciolacu, Florian Stelzer, Matthias Brandl, Kathrin Plank, Werner Gamerith, Christina Hansen, Tamara Rachbauer and Michaela Würdinger-Gaidas
#13 - BIM supporting integration, coordination and collaboration in a multidisciplinary project
Alcinia Zita Sampaio, Paulo Sequeira, Gonçalo Azevedo and Augusto Gomes
#15 - ChatGPT: Assessing Impacts and Perspectives in Engineering Education using a Genetic Algorithms Case Study
Paulo Moura Oliveira
#22 - Developing a novel MATLAB control toolbox for encouraging student engagement
John A. Rossiter
#78 - Innovative training on additive manufacturing: AMTE@CH learning experience
Elisabetta Lucia De Marco, Antonella Longo, Teresa Primo and Maurizio Calabrese
› UEv-CES Room 124
› UEv-CES Room 129
Wed2 – Plenary Session III
“Social robot and IoT technologies in prevention, monitoring and rehabilitation: scenarios and challenges”, Filippo Cavallo (University of Florence, Italy)
Chairs: Katarina Zakova and Paulo Menezes
› UEv-CES Room 131
Wed3A – Special Session of IEEE Edu Soc
“Engineering Education session of the Portuguese and Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Education Society”
Organizer: Manuel Castro (IEEE Edu Soc, UNED, Spain)
Speakers: Anabel Calero, Francisco Mur, Francisco Solsona, Gustavo Alves, João Matos, Juan Cabrera, Manuel Castro, Óscar Lillo and Pedro Fonseca
Detailed information at:
› UEv-CES Room 131
Wed3B – Workshop
“ChatGPT, BARD, Llama - the new gods in the olymp of AI? How I wrote my first research essay in hydrodynamics in Chinese, Arabic and other languages simultaneously!”
Andreas Pester (British University, Egypt)
› UEv-CES Room 124
› UEv-CES Room 129
Wed4A – Parallel Session
“Online Experimentation I”
Chairs: Alcinia Zita Sampaio and Rogério Dionísio
Papers: #09, #34, #41, #51
#09 – Interactive Remote Laboratory Platform for Practical Experimentation
Tinashe Chamunorwa, Horia A. Modran, Doru Ursutiu and Cornel Samoila
#34 – Developing a Simple Pendulum remote laboratory with a versatile low-cost data acquisition system
Federico Lerro, Juan Tinazzo, Fausto De Arriba and Nahuel Colombo
#41 – The OnLabEdu Project – Preliminary Results and Outlook
Christian Kreiter, Ingrid Krumphals, Thomas Klinger, Thomas Steinmetz and Mudiyanselage R. T. Perera
#51 - Learning from Errors In VISIR DC Circuits
Jordi Cuadros, Vanessa Serrano, Javier Garcia-Zubia, Unai Hernandez-Jayo and Laura Fernandez-Ruano
› UEv-CES Room 131
Wed4B – Parallel Session
“Smart Industry & Sustainability”
Chairs: Athanasios Anagnostis and Paulo Abreu
Papers: #29, #50, #58, #77
#29 - Real-time LCA tool for the assessment of environmental impacts in industrial production
Christos Koidis, Ioannis Tsampoulatidis, Charisios Achillas, Dimitrios Aidonis and Athanasios Bantsos
#50 - An Advanced Circular and Agile Manufacturing Ecosystem for smart design and product lifecycle management
Eider Iturbe, Jason Mansell, Ainara Garcia, Pierre Menger, Raul Ugarte, Maddalena Rostagno and Christophe Abel
#58 - Computational Model of a Three-Phase Induction Machine: Towards the Development of a Smart Method for Fault Diagnosis
Lorena Petrella, Daniel Foito, Paulo Gil, Jorge Henriques and Alberto Cardoso
#77 - Towards Industry 5.0: Fostering a Circular Human Resources Management in the Foundry Sector
Dario Assante, Marta Flamini and Elisabetta Trinca
› UEv-CES Room 124
Wed5A – Parallel Session
“Online Experimentation II”
Chairs: Monica Ciolacu and Unai Hernandez-Jayo
Papers: #27, #42, #74, #80
#27 – Contrasting Delivery Models for Authentic, Team-Based IoT Learning Activities
Alexander Kist, Catherine Hills, Ananda Maiti, Terry Byrne and Richard Landers
#42 - Integration of Remote Laboratories with LMS
Miguel Patrício Martins, Pedro Rossa, Horácio Fernandes and João Nuno Silva
#74 - Student perceptions influenced by remote laboratory infrastructure
David Reid and Timothy Drysdale
#80 - On the Suitability of Cloud Models for MEC Deployment Purposes
Álvaro Santos, Noélia Correia and Jorge Bernardino
› UEv-CES Room 131
Wed5B – Parallel Session
“Remote Sensing & Monitoring II”
Chairs: Gonçalo Marques and Javier García-Zubia
Papers: #43, #53, #60, #82
#43 - Current status of micro/nanosensors and their potential applicability to the prevention and early detection of forest fires
Esther Hontañon
#53 - Using high-altitude balloons for decision-support in emergency scenarios – a proof of concept on wildfire detection and monitoring
Alexandra Moutinho, Diogo Henriques, Nuno Ferreira, Dário Silva and Miguel Almeida
#60 - LoRA smart sensors for IoT fire and ground motion safety
Jose Sanchez del Rio Saez, Alba López Laguna, Martín Andolfi, David Patrizi García, Rafael Cascón Porres, Francisco Santos Olalla, Alberto Brunete, Álvaro Merodio Pardo, Abdulmalike Yusuf, Antonio Vázquez-López, Xiang Ao and Deyi Wang
#82 - Open Science – Open Data: Democratization of Data for Research and Decision Making: An Example from Ethiopia
Margareth Gfrerer
› UEv-CES Room 124
› UEv-CES Room 129
Wed6 – Panel Discussion III
“ChatGPT: Words in the Wild”
Moderators: Mario Bochicchio, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Italy, Susan Zvacek,, USA
Panelists: Andreas Pester, British University, Egypt, Catarina Silva, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Domenico Bochicchio, CEO of Asclepyus, Milano, Italy James Wolfer, Indiana University South Bend, USA Sashidhar Chintalapati, New Mexico State University, USA
› UEv-CES Room 131
Closing Session
› UEv-CES Room 131
Farewell Cocktail
› UEv-CES Cloisters
Departure for the Alqueva Tour by bus
› UEv-CES Main Entrance
Technical Visit to Herdade do Esporão with wine and olive oil tasting
› Herdade do Esporão
Lunch at the Restaurant “Adega do Cachete”
› S. Pedro do Corval
Visit to Pottery workshops
› S. Pedro do Corval
Boat Tour in the Alqueva Reservoir with free time (swimming opportunity) at Golden Island
› River Beach of Monsaraz
Visit to the Cromelec Xerex
› Monsaraz
Visit to the Village of Monsaraz (free time)
› Monsaraz
Return to Évora
› Monsaraz
Arrival at Évora
› Évora